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Jetpack Compose

Integration of MobaiBiometric in Jetpack Compose based applications

This example shows how to integrate the Biometric Capture Session to your project. The Biometric Capture Session extracts a frames collection from the camera preview.

Create a compose activity.

ComposeBiometric extends from MBCaptureSessionServiceDelegate.

 class ComposeBiometric : ComponentActivity(), MBCaptureSessionServiceDelegate {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

val options = MBCaptureSessionOptions.Builder()

val captureSessionService = MBCaptureSessionService(
context = this, this as LifecycleOwner,
options, callback = this

setContent {
//Starting screen here

override fun onCaptureFinished(result: MBCaptureSessionResult?) { }

override fun onCountdown(timeCounter: Int) { }

override fun onValidating(faceStatus: MBFaceStatus) { }

override fun onFailure(errorEnum: MBCaptureSessionError) { }

override fun onCaptureStarted() { }

Build an MBCaptureSessionOption.Builder instance.. All arguments are optional. It contains the default options for performing the capture session. Those default options can be redefined. In this case the capture process is set to automatic.

 val options = MBCaptureSessionOptions.Builder()

MBCaptureSessionOption.Builder arguments are optional. Options description:

  • numberOfFrameToCollect Describes the number of frames to collect during the capture session
  • frameInterval After collecting the first frame, is the number of frames to skip before collecting a frame
  • numberOfFramesBeforeCapture Describes the number of frames to skip before it starts collecting
  • automaticCapture Tells whether the capture is automatic or manual
  • targetResolution Are the resolution values from the caller device
  • timeBeforeAutomaticCapture Is the set time in seconds the capture should wait to start collecting frames
  • cameraSelector Describes whether we want to use a front or rear camera

Creates an instance of MBCaptureSessionInstance. This is the entry point configuration for the capture process.

 val captureSessionService = MBCaptureSessionService(
context = this, this as LifecycleOwner,
options, callback = this

MBCaptureSessionService arguments.

  • context Is an instance of the caller's context needed to implement MBCameraService and MBCaptureSessionView.
  • lifecycleOwner Is an instance of the caller's life cycle owner needed to implement MBCameraService.
  • options Represents the capture session's entry point configuration for ist correct functioning.
  • callback Updates the caller with any change during the whole capture process, including a capture result, it has to be set to null while implementing MBCaptureSessionFragment.

Function onCaptureFinished gets the result of the capture process if it is successfully finished.

 override fun onCaptureFinished(result: MBCaptureSessionResult?) { }

MBCaptureSessionResult arguments description:

  • faceImage A high quality image captured after collecting frames (not implemented)
  • captureSessionData Is all the collected data in protobuf format (not implemented)
  • frames Are the frame collection.

Function onCountdown is executed during the automatic capture. timeCounter is the current time in seconds.

  override fun onCountdown(timeCounter: Int) { }

Function onValidating is executed when frames are being analyzed.

  override fun onValidating(faceStatus: MBFaceStatus) { }

MBFaceStatus entries:

  • TOO_FAR_AWAY Face is too far away
  • TOO_CLOSE Face is too close
  • TOO_FAR_UP Face is too far up
  • TOO_FAR_LEFT Face is too far left
  • TOO_FAR_DOWN Face is too far down
  • TOO_FAR_RIGHTFace is too far right
  • NOT_FOUND Face not found
  • TOO_MANY Too many faces
  • VALID Face is valid

Function onFailure is executed when the capture process fails. MBCaptureSessionError tells the type of error that occurred.

  override fun onFailure(errorEnum: MBCaptureSessionError) { }

MBCaptureSessionError entries:

  • UNABLE_TO_OPEN_CAMERA Describes failure while opening the camera
  • UNABLE_TO_COLLECT_FRAMES The capture has is aborted

Function onCaptureStarted is executed every time a face is valid and starts capturing.

  override fun onCaptureStarted() { }

Add the following dependencies in the build gradle app.

Enables LiveData for Jetpack Compose.

    implementation "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata:$compose_version"
def nav_version = "2.5.2"

Enables navigation in Jetpack Compose.

    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version"

Coil helps to display a bitmap.


Implement a capture screen

Create the layout that contains the capture session view.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""


Implement the composable function that defines the capture screen/camera preview. MBCaptureSessionService instance of the entry point configuration for the capture process. MBFaceStatus gets the face status every time it changes in the camera preview. MBCaptureSessionStatus gets a capture status every time it changes.


fun CaptureScreen(
captureSessionService: MBCaptureSessionService,
faceStatus: MBFaceStatus
) {
Surface(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
factory = { context ->
View.inflate(context, R.layout.container, null).apply {
val llViewContainer = this.findViewById<LinearLayout>(

if (captureSessionService.getCaptureSessionView().parent != null) {
(captureSessionService.getCaptureSessionView().parent as ViewGroup)
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),

if (!captureSessionService.getAutomaticCapture()) {
Box(modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = 100.dp),
contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomCenter) {
Button(modifier = Modifier
onClick = {
}) {
Text(text = "Start Capture")

Inflates camera preview based UI into a Jetpack Compose UI using AndroidView with that propose

factory = { context ->
View.inflate(context, R.layout.container, null).apply {
val llViewContainer = this.findViewById<LinearLayout>(

if (captureSessionService.getCaptureSessionView().parent != null) {
(captureSessionService.getCaptureSessionView().parent as ViewGroup)

modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),

Inflates the layout container view.

View.inflate(context, R.layout.container, null)

Create a layout container instance to be able to add a child view to it.

val llViewContainer = this.findViewById<LinearLayout>(

Add the capture session view to the container ViewContainer.

if (captureSessionService.getCaptureSessionView().parent != null) {
(captureSessionService.getCaptureSessionView().parent as ViewGroup)

Start the camera if permission is granted.


Enable capture button if capture is manual or disable it if the capture is automatic.

     if (!captureSessionService.getAutomaticCapture()) {
Box(modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = 100.dp),
contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomCenter) {
Button(modifier = Modifier
onClick = {
}) {
Text(text = "Start Capture")

Starts manual capture session if this is set to manual.

 onClick = {

Implement a screen to display the collection of frames.

The composable ImagesScreen function displays the collection of frames in a LazyVerticalGrid. The function gets a list of nullable bitmaps as parameter.

fun ImagesScreen(frames: List<Bitmap?>) {
if (frames.isNotEmpty()) {
Surface(modifier = Modifier
color = Color.DarkGray) {

if (frames.isNotEmpty() && !frames.contains(null)) {
cells = GridCells.Fixed(2),
content ={
items(frames) { frame ->
Box(modifier = Modifier
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center){
Image(painter = rememberImagePainter(data = frame),"Image")

ScreensRoute lists the screens contained in the example app.

 sealed class ScreensRoute(val route: String) {
object CaptureScreen: ScreensRoute("main_screen")
object ImagesScreen: ScreensRoute("image_screen")

CaptureSessionViewModel updates and observes the different states of the MBFaceStatus by using Livedata.

 class CaptureSessionViewModel: ViewModel() {
private val _faceStatus: MutableLiveData<MBFaceStatus> = MutableLiveData(MBFaceStatus.NOT_FOUND)
val faceStatus: LiveData<MBFaceStatus> = _faceStatus

fun onFaceStatusChange(faceStatus: MBFaceStatus) {
_faceStatus.value = faceStatus

FrameCollectionViewModel updates and observes the collection of frames we get within the capture session result by using Livedata.

 class FrameCollectionViewModel : ViewModel(){

private val mutableFrameCollection = MutableLiveData<List<Bitmap?>>()
var frameCollection: LiveData<List<Bitmap?>> = mutableFrameCollection

fun setFrameCollection(frames: ArrayList<Bitmap?>) {
mutableFrameCollection.value = frames

The composable function CaptureNavigation controls the navigation between screens. Gets as parameters an instance of MBCaptureSessionService entry point configuration for the capture process, an instance of NavControllerCallback that provide a navigation controller instance to ComposeBiometric, an instance of CaptureSessionViewModel that get every change in the capture session status, and finally an instance of FrameCollectionViewModel

fun CaptureNavigation(
captureService: MBCaptureSessionService,
provider: NavControllerCallback,
captureSessionViewModel: CaptureSessionViewModel = viewModel(),
frameCollectionViewModel: FrameCollectionViewModel = viewModel()
val navController = rememberNavController()
val faceStatus: MBFaceStatus by captureSessionViewModel.faceStatus.observeAsState(MBFaceStatus.NOT_FOUND)
val frameCollection: List<Bitmap?> by frameCollectionViewModel.frameCollection.observeAsState(listOf())

NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = ScreensRoute.CaptureScreen.route) {
composable(ScreensRoute.CaptureScreen.route) {
CaptureScreen(captureSessionService = captureService, faceStatus = faceStatus)
composable(ScreensRoute.ImagesScreen.route) {
ImagesScreen(frames = frameCollection)

The NavController is the central API for the Navigation component. It is stateful and keeps track of the back stack of composables that make up the screens in your app and the state of each screen. Create a NavController by using the rememberNavController() method in the composable:

 val navController = rememberNavController()

Execute provideNavController, this function provides an instance of navController to BiometricCompose activity.


Gets the instance of MBFaceStatus, MBCaptureSessionStatus and frameCollection is the collection of frames. We observe in ComposeBiometric activity.

  val faceStatus: MBFaceStatus by captureSessionViewModel.faceStatus.observeAsState(MBFaceStatus.NOT_FOUND)
val frameCollection: List<Bitmap?> by frameCollectionViewModel.frameCollection.observeAsState(listOf())

Implement the NavHost function. This Provides in place in the Compose hierarchy for self contained navigation to occur. The CaptureScreen function gets as parameters captureService that is the entry point configuration for the capture process, faceStatus is the status of the face every time it changes and captureStatus the status of the capture process every time it changes The ImageScreen function displays the collection of frames and gets the frame frameCollection as a parameter.

  NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = ScreensRoute.CaptureScreen.route) {
composable(ScreensRoute.CaptureScreen.route) {
CaptureScreen(captureSessionService = captureService, faceStatus = faceStatus, captureStatus = captureStatus)
composable(ScreensRoute.ImagesScreen.route) {
ImagesScreen(frames = frameCollection)

Implement FrameCollectionViewModel , CaptureSessionViewModel viewModel and NavControllerCallback in ComposeBiometric activity, as well as execute CaptureNavigation and get the NavController instance.

  class ComposeBiometric : ComponentActivity() , MBCaptureSessionServiceDelegate,NavControllerCallback {
private lateinit var navController: NavController
private val framesViewModel: FrameCollectionViewModel by viewModels()
private val captureSessionViewMode: CaptureSessionViewModel by viewModels()

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

val options = MBCaptureSessionOptions.Builder()
val captureSessionService = MBCaptureSessionService(
context = this, this as LifecycleOwner,
options, callback = this

setContent {
captureService = captureSessionService,
provider = this, captureSessionViewModel = captureSessionViewMode,
frameCollectionViewModel = framesViewModel

override fun onCaptureFinished(result: MBCaptureSessionResult?) {
this.runOnUiThread {
result?.let {
navController.navigate(route = ScreensRoute.ImagesScreen.route)

override fun onCountdown(timeCounter: Int) { }

override fun onValidating(faceStatus: MBFaceStatus) {
this.runOnUiThread {

override fun onFailure(errorEnum: MBCaptureSessionError) { }

override fun onCaptureStarted() { }

override fun provideController(navController: NavController) {
this.navController = navController

Creates instances of NavController , FrameCollectionViewModel and CaptureSessionViewModel.

  private lateinit var navController: NavController
private val framesViewModel: FrameCollectionViewModel by viewModels()
private val captureSessionViewMode: CaptureSessionViewModel by viewModels()

Starts CaptureNavigation with captureSessionService , provider and the viewModes as parameters.

  setContent {
captureService = captureSessionService,
provider = this, captureSessionViewModel = captureSessionViewMode,
frameCollectionViewModel = framesViewModel

Initialize the NavController instance.

  override fun provideController(navController: NavController) {
this.navController = navController

Execution of onCaptureFinished.

  override fun onCaptureFinished(result: MBCaptureSessionResult?) {
this.runOnUiThread {
result?.let {
navController.navigate(route = ScreensRoute.ImagesScreen.route)


Provides the collection of frames to CaptureNavigation composable.


Navigates to ImageScreen

  navController.navigate(route = ScreensRoute.ImagesScreen.route)

Execution of onValidating.

  override fun onValidating(faceStatus: MBFaceStatus) {
this.runOnUiThread {

Updates the face status in the composable CaptureNavigation.
